EC RUN: Ran around the area including the Island Park in the river. FIB, Elmer Fudd, Mr. Miyagi, and Mrs. Doubtfire decided to come along for the run with me. Thanks for the exploration mosey this morning!
-Welcome to F3
-I am not a professional
-You are participating at your own risk
-You are responsible for your own well-being
-You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
-Know your limits and do the best you can, all exercises can be modified and are only suggestions.
- -Good Mornings (ICx15)
- -Deep squat holds during the song Flower by Moby (3:26) Held squats on the “Bring Sally Down” line of the song
- -Overhead Claps (ICx20)
THANG 1: Forearm Beatdown
PAX moseyed to the shelter with Coupons to work a circuit drill. Circuit included:
Station 1- 10 Coupon forearm lift with conduit/ 10 Curls with 1 or 2 Coupon (Beast Mode)
Station 2- 60 second arm hang/ 10 pull ups
Station 3- Double Coupon Farmers carry to the top of the hill/ 10 Merkins
PAX started on a station as a group and continued to each station as a group. Rinsed and repeated x3.
THANG 2: King of the Mountain
-We killed arms so it was time to crush our legs! We moseyed to the mountain for a little mini Spartan Run. PAX sprinted up the Mountain and did 10 Copperhead Squats at the top, jogged back down. Rinsed and repeated x5.
6 MoM: Making our own Mountain
-Merkin Mountain- (Durkin, Urkin, V ups, Dips, Merkins) Ladder down from 4 (Could have totally done more! Next time for sure)
20 Strong HIMs- Burns (RESPECT RESPECT), Elmer Fudd, Mr. Miyagi, Mrs. Doubtfire, Shandy, WD-40, Dr. Evil, Mini Me, Quinoa, Mayflower (FNG) (RESPECT), Coat Factory, Leadpipe (FNG), Annie Oakley (FNG), Mr. Ed, Shandy, Kenny-G, Life Alert, Beefstick (RESPECT), Watts (RESPECT), Urkel (QIC)
Today, we prayed for the HIMs of the Nation. F3 is not a local thing, but a national reach to find men of all denominations, backgrounds, and affiliations. We prayed knowing this is not for every man, but we hope to reach one man at a time to help them find a greater purpose in life. We prayed for Fudd’s M’s sister and the results regarding their new baby. We also prayed for my M who got RIFed from her job in West Chicago, please pray she is able to get her job back. We also prayed for Burns’ son, @ Mustafa for the upcoming hard decisions he has to face.
MOLESKIN: The book of Proverbs is jam packed with wisdom and advice about how to live a good life. Proverbs 27:17 tells us to sharpen each other: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”This has been a motTo for F3 Nation and what it truly means when joining other men for a workout in the Gloom. When I think about this passage, I think about two iron rods rubbing together. As the friction increases, the heat between them increases, allowing them to create a spark between them. Although it may be uncomfortable for the rods to rub in that way, the spark that results, when fanned, becomes a flame that can’t be contained.
Whether you are begin this journey with F3 Geneva or even if you are a seasoned veteran, sometimes fear and being uncomfortable stops us. It prevents us from posting, from giving it our all, to finding excuses for all the reasons why we can’t. Fear keeps us from sharpening each other.
It’s difficult to be someone who sharpens others, and perhaps even more difficult to find a trustworthy person to sharpen you. F3 Nation is not what sharpens you, but the HIM (High Impact Man) standing next to you, across from you, or the guy who occasionally does this F3 thing, even though you want him to post more, (you know the guy I’m talking about.)
There is a mutual advantage when you rub two iron edges together; the blades become sharper, causing the knives to become more effective in their ability. Similarly, we are to sharpen one another—by holding each other accountable for our behaviors, our virtues, our actions.
In essence, “Iron Sharpens Iron” simply means that we make each other better people, especially when looking for support through the workout, or by leading an ear with you need a friend to listen, or when you need a prayer for yourself or a family member. F3 Gevena has a strong foundation and you men will continue to grow. Rely on each other, support each other, and make lasting bonds with the HIMs next to you, like I have with the men of F3 Naperville. Defeat the Fear, conquer the Uncomfortable, be the Iron that Sharpens Iron. Well done F3 Geneva!
We are strong, We grow, We build, We succeed! Here’s to the men of F3 Geneva!
Did I do that?! Yes, yes I did!