Post #35 – Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Capri Lap to OGT (Old Gnarled Tree)
Arm Circles – Slow 10 count each direction (IC)
Tappy Taps x 15 (IC)
Frankenstein Walk/Butt Kickers/High Knees across lot
SSH x 20 (IC)

THANG 1: Fizness Testing! 90 seconds per station

  1. Merkins
  2. Squats
  3. LBCs
  4. Arm Hang (playground – timed)
  5. Box Jumps (playground benches)
  6. Dips (playground benches)
  7. Curls (coupon)
  8. Shoulder Press (coupon)
  9. Bent-over Row (coupon)
  10. AYG’s (5 parking spaces)

CoT MESSAGE: Did your numbers go down? Reflect on how hard you’ve worked since then. Honestly ask yourself what you can do better. Do not beat yourself up over it, but search for the real reasons why you are weaker now than you were a month ago. Take ownership of those reasons and address them. We are all here to help you reach your goals. Did you get better? If so, think back to the first test. Think about how whipped you were when you finished the tests and how your brain told you that you couldn’t do a single rep more. Hard work pays off in tiny and unnoticeable ways: slowly and surely, just as the days tick off the calendar. Where do you want to be a month from now? Make each F3 post count. Make every one of your days count. Every single one.

PRAYER: “Dear God, we thank you for the blessing of our healthy and able bodies. We are grateful for all our other blessings and we ask you, Lord, for your continued guidance, strength, and wisdom as we go about our days here on Earth. We humbly ask for forgiveness for our sins and pray for those that need your presence the most. We especially pray for the silent intentions that we hold in our hearts. Please help us to continuously grow and to become better men for our families and for our communities. In your blessed name we pray, Amen.”

MOLESKIN: I forgot how difficult it is to put in 90 seconds of your best effort. We will definitely be feeling this workout tomorrow. I’d like to welcome Frog Legs to F3 Geneva. He posted a few times in Naperville, but is closer to our AO. He immediately became part of our group and even came to coffeeteria. I’m disappointed in my numbers that stayed the same or dropped (abs!) so I know I’ve got some work to do in that area. So if you’re at my next Q, don’t be surprised if 6 MoM turns into 9 MoM!

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