Motivators from 7 (IC)
Tappy-Taps x 15 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
Abe Vigodas x 15 (IC)
Arm Circles x 10 Each Direction (IC)
THANG 1: indian run to parking lot 2 (stop for 10 merkins at each garbage can)
“Thunder thighs” – constant squats during AC/DC song Thunderstruck
Drop to a burbee every time they say “thunder” or “thunderstruck”
THANG 2: Partner up! One Pax run to the top of the hill: 5 bobby hurleys while other Pax works to complete the following exercises:
100 – Merkins
200 – mountain climbers
300 – overhead claps
Trade places and repeat until finished. Jump in to help the 6 when your team is done.
THANG 3: Indian run to pavillion & make teams of 4. Side carry the picnic table out 30 yards and do 10 Team Presses. Then, Side carry the table back and do 10 Team Curls. Rinse & Repeat x 3.
Heel touches x 20 (IC)
American hammers x 25 (IC)
Swimmers x 20 (IC)
Reverse heel touches x 20 (IC)
CoT MESSAGE: Fatherhood is a choice to be involved in the lives of kids that most need guidance. Genetics do not make a father figure – involvement does! Take time this weekend to do your part and reach out to kids that need a fatherly influence in their lives.