THE SCENE: 35 degrees and cloudy. Pax present: Mini Me (QIC), Dr. Evil, Mr. Ed, Kringle, and Kenny G. Beautiful orange sunrise as we wrapped up CoT.
20 SSH (IC)
20 Shoulder Taps (IC – plank position)
10 Arm Circles (IC – each direction)
15 Bobby Hurleys (IC)
Frankenstein Walk/Butt Kickers to OGT
Capri Lap to tennis courts
THANG 1: “4 Corners” on tennis courts
Long Side 1: Zombie Walk Corner 1: 10 Merkins
Short Side 1: Bear Crawl Corner 2: 10 Air Dramas
Long Side 2: Side Lunges 50/50 Corner 3: 10 Merkins
Short Side 2: Standing Jump Corner 4: 10 Kettle Bell Curls
Rinse & Repeat until 5:45
Mosey to Inclined Path
Swedish Run uphill to low wall
15 Jump Ups
15 Merkins (IC)
15 Dips (IC)
Swedish Run to Flag
MARY: Ab-Ril Challenge!
20 American Hammers
20 LBCs
20 Leg Lifts
20 100 ct Pilates
20 Heel Touches
20 Crunchy Frogs
CoT MESSAGE: At U of I, there is a saying that goes: “A True Illini NEVER Cuts Corners.” For F3 purposes, we can change Illini to HIM (High Impact Male). That saying always stuck with me because there is value in doing things the right way. There is value in following the rules. As Dr. Evil has spoken about, our culture seems to elevate those that cheat, lie, create drama, take shortcuts, and act selfishly. I refuse to respect that. My grandparents, my parents, and now my F3 brothers have all reinforced the value of doing things the right way, every single time. I hope today’s workout helps you to remember this message: Never cut corners if you don’t want to go in circles.
PRAYER: “Dear God, we thank you for this day and for all of our blessings. We are grateful for your presence in our lives and for the ability to get up today and exercise our bodies with our brothers. We humbly ask for your strength, guidance, and resolve every time we face a corner in our lives. Remind us to take the difficult path and to always value doing things the right way. Help us to teach our children to confront their obstacles with determination and grit. Please be with those that are not as fortunate as us and watch over our families and our community. Thank you for these brothers next to me that are helping me get better and stronger every day. In the name of the Heavenly Father we pray, Amen.”
MOLESKIN: Kringle made it out for his first mid-week workout. It was awesome having a little bigger group to lead this am. I’m proud of the way our group is growing. 3 for Coffeeteria @ Starbucks. The Ghostbusters song came on again. WTF? Do better, Starbucks!
Mini Me