Challenge Point – 7/14/22 – Some of our Favorite Things
AO: Challenge Point
When: 07/14/2022
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
Finger Paint, Family Guy, Ranger Rick, DeVito, Cobblepot, Pool Boy, Ohm, Kringle
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Watts
What are some of your favorite things?
Tappy Taps wide stance 10 in cadence
Tappy Taps narrow stance 10 in cadence
Abe Vagoda’s 10 in cadence
Imperial Walkers 10 in cadence
Arm circles: 10 forward 10 backward
10 seal claps
10 overhead claps
20 Side straddle hops
The Thang
Group Run along the river constantly passing a 10lb weighted ball; thru the downtown industrial center; along The Quarry pool; up the quarry stairs; when we got to the library we bear crawled up the stairs and ran down 5 times on your own.
Questions we answered and shared why they were our favorites during our run:
One of your favorite movies – 10 merkins
One of your favorite F3 exercises – 15 squats
One of your Favorite holidays – 3 burpees
One of your favorite teachers
We got back late and only had time for a double Bear Crawl Ring of Fire
Circle of Trust
One of my favorite movies is, It’s a Wonderful Life. Because it always reminds me that each of our lives matter because each of us impact other people’s lives. Whether we realize it or not. We do. In the movie George Bailey got to see how his life impacted others in a positive way. Each of us are making an impact every day. Let’s strive to make it a positive one.
Naked Man Moleskin
Coffeeteria included DeVito, Cobblepot, Ohm, Watts, Ranger Rick, Pool Boy, Kringle and Bozo and Brick dropped in after their own workouts.